I help entrepreneurs save valuable brain space to grow their income + do what they love. I'm fueled by cookies + kitty cuddles.
It’s safe to say that everyone in the world is ready to say “BYE!!!” to 2020. So many people have lost loved ones, jobs, homes, or experienced all of these events. Even with all the loss, stress, and high anxiety, 2020 has taught many of us what is most important when you are unable to do so much.
Here are 5 of my most important takeaways from 2020 for the New Year.
Learning to accept myself, meaning the good, the bad, and the ugly, has been a life-long journey. In 2020, I made big progress in the self-development department. I’ve learned to accept that I am worthy of success, that my dream life is possible, and I am capable of love, and being loved, just as I am now. There is no need to wait.
Know that whatever you choose to do, or don’t do, with your life is your choice. You are worthy. You are capable.
Hot tip! My Five Minute Journal has saved me this year. It give you quick little prompts that help you make goals for the day and practice gratitude. Check it out!
Note: this is not an affiliate link.
Next on the list – STOP. ASKING. FOR. PERMISSION. Go out there and make your thing. Start your business. Run that marathon… or cheer someone else on who is running that marathon. Quit the job you hate. Take that trip you’ve always dreamt of (once it’s safe to do so, of course). Don’t wait for someone to tell you what to do. Go do it.
You are the leading person in your “life movie.”
As for me, sometimes I feel that I’ve wasted too much time. Time spent waiting for a magical mentor to saunter over and tell me “This is your path.”
Often, I have the tendency to look for external affirmation rather than say “Hey self, what do you think?”
That has changed this year!
In January of 2020, I launched my business and quickly realized that my mindset was stuck in quicksand. I hired a mindset coach. She quickly helped me realize that I am in control of EVERYTHING in my life. A fact that simultaneously excites and scares the sh*t out of me. This year has taught me to think in more creative ways and trust my instincts. 2020 has done more for my self-confidence than years of counseling has.
A few tips for you:
Go out there and get what you want. Whether it’s a new job, moving to a new country/ city, or taking that second map.
Having a dream is easy. Believing it’s possible is H-A-R-D. Giving up on your dream can be oh-so-tempting and much easier than trying.
I’ve always been a dreamer. It comes naturally! But… Telling myself “No, that’s not possible.” was always easier than finding a way to make my dreams work. Somehow, I still managed to achieve my dreams of living in Australia and becoming an accidental traveler.
2020 has been the year when I FINALLY started to make that shift and see the light. No no, not THAT light. The light that shows me my ideas and dreams are possible. This year was the life-altering perspective shift that I needed.
It’s not going to be an easy path but I can do it… And so can you.
It may take an Instagram quote, a break-up, or hearing someone say something you’ve heard 50 times in a new way that finally makes you see it, but you will get there.
The life you dream of is possible.
Don’t let your old life take over your future. In other words, your worth is NOT tied to your job, your relationship status, or your mental health. Your worth is tied to who you are and your self-acceptance. Yes, our past shapes who who are, but, it does not define who you will be in 2021.
Take this affirmation for example – “I’m not defined by my mental illness.” This is one affirmation that I use regularly. You can try it, too! Try saying “I’m not defined by XYZ.” Add in whatever trait or attribute that you or someone else has judged you by.
As for me… Yes, I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and bouts of Depression. Is this all that I am? Nope! I’m so much more.
Don’t let your past or old life define who you are. Let it build you up into who you are now and who you will become. You never know, the thing you dislike the most about yourself may be the key to your success.
2020 has taught me to care less about what other people think.
You heard that right: Care less. There is a freedom in saying “I don’t care.” and truly meaning it. Easier said than done, right? I promise that when you begin to practice self-acceptance and gratitude, with consistency, the easier the art of “caring less” becomes.
“But Amanda, who’s opinion is most important? — Your own.
This doesn’t mean I’m a d*ck to anyone. A pillar of my life is that everyone deserves respect until they prove they don’t deserve it. Yes, I’m pursuing a lifestyle that many people will not understand. That is okay. I need to do what will make me happy. When I’m happy, I’m a better daughter, aunt, fur momma, and friend.
And yes, some opinions outside of your own do still matter. However, be selective with who you let into this inner “care circle.”
There you have it. Of course, this list could go on forever with lessons and takeaways from 2020: the value of friendship, learning to see your hometown with new eyes, the importance of supporting small business, helping our neighbors, and keeping the BLM movement in our thoughts (as well as taking action).
Please share your thoughts in the comments. What lessons or takeaways are you leaving 2020 with?
Amanda is a virtual assistant and online ESL teacher. She has lived and worked overseas in Australia and South Korea. When she’s not helping entrepreneurs build their YouTube channels, she is running, on the hunt for a cookie, or cuddling with her Korean kitty, Jangmi.
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I love these!! I feel as though I also learned similar lessons. My biggest takeaway from 2020, is to be flexible! With life, myself, my plans, etc!